$Kaddo coin

The best and biggest Meme coin on Cronos chain.

Kaddo Coin Logo

Airdrop Details

Get free 50,000 $Kaddo coins as a airdrop.


1- Follow @Kaddocoin on X.


click here to follow us on x

2- Join our Telegram group.


click here to join our telegram group

3- Make a post on X about @Kaddocoin with #kaddocoin and tag 3 of your followers.

4- After completing the above tasks, fill the form below to register yourself for free Airdrop.

You will get 50,000 $Kaddo coins

register for airdropKaddo Coin Airdrop image

WTF $Kaddo even means?

$Kaddo is used as a fun term in Hindi. It can refer to a person who is considered naive, foolish, or simple-minded. Also. "kaddo" is used as a fun and negative affirmative term in Hindi. As it adds a touch of humor and colloquialism to the response. When responding negatively with "kaddo," it's akin to saying "Nope" or "Nah" in English, but with a playful twist.In this context, "kaddo" serves as a light-hearted way to dismiss or reject something, often implying disbelief, incredulity, or disapproval.

It's a slang term that carries a sense of casualness and nonchalance.

For example, if someone asks you if you believe a far-fetched story or if you're going to make the same mistake again, responding with "kaddo" indicates that you find the idea absurd or that you're not going to repeat the same action.

It's a way to convey a negative response in a humorous and informal manner.

Someone suggests a ridiculous plan.
"Kaddo, that's the craziest thing I've heard!"

A friend asks if you're going to believe a clearly made-up excuse.
"Kaddo, I'm not falling for that again."

Your sibling asks if you're going to lend them money for the nth time.
"Kaddo, you've already borrowed enough!"

Someone asks if you're going to trust a known liar.
"Kaddo, I'm not that naive."

A colleague suggests a strategy that has failed in the past.
"Kaddo, we've tried that before and it didn't work."


$Kaddo coin is the best and biggest Meme coin on Cronos chain with real world Memes.
Be creative and make your Memes.

$Kaddo coin contrat address = 0x9d8a9394230e73a76074581ec930ad490ef2864c


Total Supply = 10,000,000,000

LP Seeding
Details will be out shortly. 75% CRO received in will be locked in LP Seeding.

Liquidity will be locked and ownership will be renounced

Daily Burning for 700 days. First burn will be after and LP Seeding

Airdrop will be after and LP Seeding

Operation coins will be used for marketing, partnership and other operational activities

Team coins will be start to unlock after , LP Seeding and Airdrop in 0.5% each month
Kaddo Coin Tokenomics

Daily Burn Event

For 2 Years each day at 00:00:00 UTC we will burn $Kaddo coins

Totat supply is 10,000,000,000 $Kaddo coins

Burn allocation is 30% which is 3,000,000,000 $Kaddo coins

For 2 Years each day 4,109,589 maximum $Kaddo coins will be burnt

This is uniqe for $Kaddo coin

Our target is to have community of 10,000 $Kaddo coins members

Burn will be based on sum of

@Kaddocoin followers plus Telegram group members

For example

@Kaddocoin we have 1,000 followers

Telegram group we have 1,000 members

Total sum is 2,000

This is 20% of target 10,000

Therefore, on this day we will burn 20% of 4,109,589 $Kaddo coins

Remaning $Kaddo coins will be accumulated to be burned later

On the day when we will reach our target of 10,000 $Kaddo coins community members

we will celebrate by burning all the accumulated coins

Watch below a fun video about $Kaddo coin burning event